Our Latest Availability


Dear Customers

Across the country it is estimated this year alone 5 million learners will be trying to book just 1.8 million driving test slots, making it almost impossible to get tests in some areas.

Thankfully we currently have availability with test available for the following dates;

Friday 13th September – manual only

Friday 20th September – manual only

Friday 27th September – manual only

Friday 4th October – manual only

Friday 11th October – manual only

Most weeks from November onwards for both manual or automatic but the dates are going fast so you will need to book now to get a date this Year!

these dates will go fast as most weeks there is just the one test slot available so book now!

The reason we have tests available is waiting times here have greatly improved here but they could be even better as last year just at the Kings Lynn test centre a staggering 400 tests did not take place as the candidate failed to turn up! A big reason for this is people are booking their own tests and then finding they are unable to get a driving instructor as we are all fully booked so please do not try to do it yourself!

The prediction is it will be at least Summer 2026 before any chance of ‘normality’ returning to a lot of the country so we urge you to plan early to avoid disappointment.

Please do keep in mind that school holiday periods get booked up way in advance so you will need to plan ahead if you are wanting to book during these dates.

Also you should note that we cannot ‘save’ test slots so the only way we can book you in for a test is if you have already passed your theory test & you can book online using our booking form!

One last thing, the test booking system only goes up to about 6 months ahead so currently it will be mid August, if you want after this then you must fill out our booking form so we can secure the test date for you as soon as it comes up !

TO BE CLEAR THEY WILL GO FAST, especially for holiday periods & automatics!

What have you got to lose? We will arrange everything for you before taking any money from you & if for any reason you are not happy with those arrangements, we will happily cancel everything, no charge!

Please note other tests do come up from time to time so let us know what you are looking for and we will try our best for you!

The sooner you fill out our booking form the sooner we can get you booked in, but we can only do this if you have already passed your theory test!

If you still need to pass your theory then sadly we cannot save any space for you so please come back to us once you have done this, you can click here to book a theory test now!

Remember you are always welcome to do a course without a test which on the face of it does not seem like a good idea but we have had lots of people do this during last year and loved doing the course without the pressure of a test at the end of the week! It also means you then have 2 options, either come back to us for a short course or take the test local to you giving you more chance of getting an earlier test slot! Just fill out our booking form and click on the ‘no test required’ or at a note to say this is what you want.

Click here to fill out our booking form NOW!

PLEASE NOTE We will deal with all bookings in strict order so the sooner you contact us then then sooner you will get your test!

Latest availability for our other courses

All these dates are for people who have already passed their theory test but we could have spaces for our Leap Forward courses and Half & Half courses, these do not come with a test but will allow you to look for any test cancellations so are well worth doing, please contact us if you are interested!