Terms and Conditions
Here is a list of training sheets for you to look at and/or print out to help along side your in car training!
For quick reference download the following;
1. Sheet 1 – Controls, steering, gears, & mirrors
2. Sheet 2 – Moving off, stopping, turning left & right
3. Dealing with emergency vehicles
For Theory Test question sheets download the following
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3
For more in depth guides download the following;
1. Controls and cockpit drill diagram
1. Controls and cockpit drill information
2. Moving off and stopping normally
3. Changing gear diagram
3. Changing gear information
4. Clutch control diagram
4. Clutch control information
5. Road position diagram
5. Road position information
6. Turning left diagram
6. Turning left information
8. Turning right diagram
8. Turning right information
9. Emerge right diagram
9. Emerge right information
10. Move off at an angle diagram
10. Move off at an angle information
11. Move off uphill diagram
11. Move off uphill information
12. Move off downhill diagram
12. Move off downhill information
13. Emergency stop diagram
13. Emergency stop information
14. Crossroads diagram
14. Crossroads information
15. Use of mirrors diagram
15. Use of mirrors information
16. Give signals
17. Straight reverse diagram
17. Straight reverse information
18. Left reverse diagram
18. Left reverse information
19. Right reverse diagram
19. Right reverse information
20. Turn in the road diagram
20. Turn in the road information
21. Reverse park – parallel diagram
21. Reverse park – parallel information
22. Reverse park – bay diagram
22. Reverse park – bay information
23. Roundabouts diagram
23. Roundabouts information
24. Pedestrian crossings diagram
24. Pedestrian crossings information
25. Adequate clearance diagram
25. Adequate clearance information
26. Use of speed
27. Make progress
28. Overtaking diagram
28. Overtaking information
29. Meeting traffic 1
29. Meeting traffic diagram
29. Meeting traffic information
30. Crossing traffic diagram
30. Crossing traffic information
31. Lane discipline
Have we missed anything? If there is anything more you would like from us then just email us with your request!